
Guidelines on Cervical Cancer Screening in Québec

Population targeted by the screening

All women who are sexually active or were in the past.

Sexual activities include all types of genital contact, with or without vaginal penetration, with male or female partners.

At what age should screening begin?

The recommended age to begin screening is 21.

However, screening can be delayed for women who have not yet had sexual activity at this age. Exceptionally and based on the…

Professional practice guidelines

Presence of asbestos fibres in indoor and outdoor air in the city of Thetford Mines: estimation of lung cancer and mesothelioma risks

In the autumn of 2007, the Association des victimes de l'amiante du Québec (AVAQ – a Québec association for asbestos victims) and the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs du Québec (MDDEP – Québec ministry of sustainable development, the environment and parks) published studies on the asbestos concentrations measured in indoor and outdoor air in Thetford Mines. The findings motivated the public health authorities in Chaudière-Appalaches and…

Research report, study and analysis

Presence of asbestos fibres in indoor and outdoor air in the city of Thetford Mines: estimation of lung cancer and mesothelioma risks - Summary

In the autumn of 2007, the Association des victimes de l'amiante du Québec (AVAQ – a Québec association for asbestos victims) and the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs du Québec (MDDEP – Québec ministry of sustainable development, the environment and parks) published studies on the asbestos concentrations measured in indoor and outdoor air in Thetford Mines. The findings motivated the public health authorities in Chaudière-Appalaches and…

Synthesis and summary

Asbestos: Current Knowledge on the Exposure and Diseases of Workers and the General Population in Québec from 2003 to 2009

This document reports on the Québec data acquired since 2003 on asbestos exposure and asbestos-related diseases, both among workers and in the general population. However, the aim is not to update the knowledge on asbestos as such. This report also summarizes the status of the Québec surveillance system for asbestos exposures and asbestos-related diseases, which will be introduced by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), as a result of the adoption of the Policy…

Research report, study and analysis

Cancer risk assessment for workers exposed to nitrosamines in a warehouse of finished rubber products in the Eastern Townships (Québec, Canada)

This risk assessment was undertaken at the request of Dr. Louise Soulière, director of public health and evaluation at the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de l'Estrie.

The objective of this work is to assess whether workers in a warehouse of finished rubber products in the Eastern Townships are at risk of contracting cancer because of the presence of nitrosamines in the workplace ambient air and, in the case of a non-zero risk, to suggest a threshold limit not to be…

Scientific advisory

Cancer among Aboriginal people living on reserves and in Northern villages in Québec, 1984-2004 : incidence and mortality

To our knowledge no data on cancer incidence and mortality among the Aboriginal population of Québec has been published. The only known reference was in a study examining the creation of a cancer registry during a specific period of the 1970s and 1980s. The study found that cancer was virtually non-existent within this population. Indeed, between 1969 and 1989 only 180 cases were reported in Nunavik, though the numbers tended to increase each year during that period. Studies in Canada and…

Research report, study and analysis

Suitability and feasibility of a colorectal cancer screening program in Québec: Executive summary and conclusions of the report of the scientific committee established by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec

Randomized comparative trials have shown that screening can reduce the mortality from colorectal cancer. However, due to difficulties of implementation, as observed in various countries, the expected benefits might not be achieved. The Committee recommends that the following conditions be met prior to implementing a provincial program:

Accessibility to colonoscopic examinations should be governed by the implementation of clinical, quality and performance standards that will be…

Synthesis and summary

Recommendations on optimizing cervical cancer screening in Québec

In 2007, the Comité sur l'immunisation du Québec (CIQ) recommended the establishment of a human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization program with the main objective of reducing the incidence of cervical cancer. In its recommendation paper, the CIQ pointed out the importance of measuring the impact of such a program and the necessary complementarity that should exist between the immunization program and cancer screening activities. However, it was not within the organization's mandate to issue…

Scientific advisory

Breast Cancer Mortality Reduction after Initiation of a Screening Program: Consistency of Effect Estimates Obtained Using Different Approaches

Effect on breast cancer mortality of a mammography screening program initiated in 1998 was assessed. Two effect estimates were obtained for each of three groups: participants, eligible women and all women of the target age group including those with prior breast cancer diagnosis. Methods: Four approaches were used: 1) observed and projected breast cancer mortality trends for 1998-2004 were compared, 2) breast cancer mortality in the first five years of the program (1998-2003) was…

Research report, study and analysis

Evaluation of the performance of designated screening centers of the Programme québécois de dépistage du cancer du sein (PQDCS): description of the methods

The evaluation of the Programme québécois de dépistage du cancer du sein (PQDCS) is based primarily on the analysis of performance indicators as defined in the PQDCS guidelines. Methods were initially developed to measure performance indicators at the provincial level and then in individual regions. The goal of this report is to develop an approach for the measurement and comparison of performance indicators at the screening centre level.

The indicators selected to evaluate the…

Evaluation report